Just about everyone knows that fiber is important for a healthy diet. But what exactly are fibers? How much should you eat and which food products contain (a lot of) fiber?
Relevant information has been bundled on this site about fiber-rich foods that hopefully can help you with all your questions! The site was therefore specifically set up to teach you everything about fiber-rich food. If you want to know what fiber-rich foods are, what the best sources are, what good it does for your body/health, etc., you've come to the right place.
In addition, the site is gradually being expanded with all kinds of articles about health. So keep coming back regularly for more valuable information and tips!
Dietary fibers are plant components that are not digested or only to a limited extent by the body. They are found in all plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Dietary fiber is important for the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
Not all fibers are the same. There are several ways to classify them. The different fibers have different health effects. In general, fiber is said to reduce the risk of certain diseases (such as heart disease, diabetes and constipation).
Take a look at this website to find out more about how you can get your daily portion of fiber (and all your fruit and vegetables at the same time!) in a simple, fast and tasty way. Highly recommended.
Curious about your vitamin intake? Take the free nutrition test here.
We eat too little fiber
Most of us don't realize the harmful effects of snacks and junk food. If we knew that these foods clogged our arteries with cholesterol and sugars, would we still be eating them en masse? Leave this kind of food alone! It's time we learned to appreciate the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables and brown bread again. These foods contain a lot of fiber that we need so much every day. Unfortunately, most people do not even get half the daily recommended amount of fiber.
Fiber-rich diet and weight loss
Dietitians and doctors agree that a high fiber diet is one of the best diets. Not only for a healthy weight, but also for a healthy heart and for health in general. According to the Surgeon General, the American Dietetic Association and the National Cancer Institute, high fiber should be an essential part of your daily diet. Adults should consume 20-35 grams of fiber daily for optimal health. For children, the standard rule of “age+5″ applies. For example, a six-year-old should eat 6+5= 11 grams of fiber per day.
The reason doctors and dietitians recommend a high fiber diet is because fiber works effectively and efficiently in the internal cleansing process. The two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, play an important role in removing harmful waste and cholesterol from the body. The water-soluble forms of fiber absorb water, soluble fats such as excess cholesterol, and also ensure healthy bowel movements. Forms of insoluble fiber act like a broom and sweep your gut clean. Research has shown that a high-fiber diet can lower the risk of colon diseases such as Crohn's disease, colitis and even cancer.
Fiber is very good for a healthy heart. It contributes to healthy cholesterol levels. Because fiber slows the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar, it promotes stable blood sugar levels in the body. As a result, you get energy from your food for a longer period of time and you are less inclined to snack.
No wonder fiber is gaining popularity as a weight management aid. You can eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want without increasing your calories. Fiber-rich foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, but also whole-grain bread and whole grains are also very filling. They are therefore particularly useful if you want to lose weight because they make you feel full for longer.
In short, once you realize the benefits of high-fiber foods, both for your overall health and for your diet, you'll be glad you chose to eat more fiber!
A good, convenient and tasty way to get enough fiber is by drinking Green Smoothies. Green smoothies are a combination of fruit and (raw) vegetables, so you get all your fruit and vegetables, fibers and vitamins you need in one go. By mixing 2/3 fruits and 1/3 vegetables, the flavor of the fruit dominates, resulting in delicious smoothies.