
Caramel Pudding Recipe

 Caramel Pudding Recipe

This is a wonderful caramel pudding recipe. You know that there is nothing better than fresh and homemade...and pudding is no exception.

Caramel pudding made with wholesome ingredients, no preservatives and no names that you cannot even begin to pronounce is such a treat. It is also a great way for you to use leftover egg yolks! This caramel pudding is made with wholesome ingredients easily found at any grocery store very cheaply. It does not come out of a box and you can taste the difference.

Don't take my word for it. Make a batch, taste it and then come back and leave your review.

Caramel Pudding Recipe

Recipe for Caramel Pudding: Ingredients

3 cups of whole milk

1 cup of brown sugar

1/4 cup of cornstarch

4 egg yolks

2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

2 tablespoons of butter

1/4 cup of water

Recipe for Caramel Pudding: Method

  1. Place the water in a saucepan with the sugar. Bring your sugar-water to a boil and boil until you have a nice brown color.
  2. At this point, take off the stovetop and a little at a time pour some milk into it - reserve one cup of milk. BE CAREFUL, it will steam and clump! You need to have a whisk. Continue to pour the milk and mix it. It time, the "sugar clump" - aka caramel - will dissolve.
  3. Mix the cornstarch with the left over milk and the egg yolks, and pour into the pudding. Return to the stovetop and cook while stirring with a whisk until the pudding thickens.
  4. Remove from the stovetop and add the butter and the vanilla.
  5. Eat hot or cold - cold is better in my opinion.

